Spinning Star Quilting – Hello my friends, once again we are here bringing news for you, new things and incredible patterns for everyone who loves this handmade work made with pieces of fabric joined by seams that after a while the final result is incredible. This type of work as well as crochet is very old and still continues to be practiced and goes on for many years like this. With this type of craft we can do many things, many different pieces among clothes, rugs, ornaments, bedspreads etc.
Whatever you want to do or innovate. As time goes by the clothes and pieces become updated and innovate too. This technique for those who still don’t know, is new on the way, it started with a quilt they used to make years ago called a patchwork quilt, which was several squares of fabric that were left over from other pieces sewn together forming a quilt for the bed. We will learn more then, separate your materials and keep reading.
Today’s pattern is a quilt but more innovative and modernized. As many of you may know, there are thousands of types of quilt patterns not only as in the past as patchwork as I said above made with squares only. Today there are many wonderful designers. It is always important to stay on top of news and practice, improving your coordination and experience.
You can take advantage of the fabrics left over from other works in pieces that use various colors and pieces, thus reusing everything. Today’s patchwork technique is well known and it gives you a 3D designer that gives a beautiful and charming result.
Today we are going to meet another pattern that is called the SPINNING STAR TABLE TOPPER. I think the way it looks after it is beautiful and I hope you like it as well as I do. It is an intermediate level with more dedication people from the beginner level can do too.
Before starting to make the pattern choose the quality fabrics and separate, wash and iron, so leaving no wrinkles is better for sewing and getting all the pieces correctly. Choose the color you want your bedspread and buy everything so you don’t miss out. Make sure your materials are soft and in good condition so as not to damage the fabric.
This pattern is beautiful and I’m sure you will be delighted and feel fulfilled with the result. Above I left an image with the final result of the complete quilt and below I left another image with the result of the center of the quilt to see up close how it is. It looks like the squares fit together, I think that’s incredible. You can also make a piece of table ornament by making only the center part of the pattern that can be called by the same name or Strata Star.
Choose your piece, your colors and make beautiful works. Great option to have to sell or give as a gift to someone, it is as if the center of the block is spinning looking like stars. Regarding the size it will depend on the number of fabrics used together, outside the center squares and edges so it is important to choose before assembling before sewing.
See too – Carpenter´s Star Quilt
Below I leave the link with the free PDF pattern that I found for all, you can print if you prefer. It is very complete with all the necessary information, measurements, step by step, everything to do all parts. Good job to all and until the next pattern. Follow our facebook page and see what’s new on the site Fanpage.
Pattern Free PDF – Spinning Star Table Quilting